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What is bulky waste?

Bulky waste is large items householders no longer want or need and are not able to take away as part of your everyday rubbish collection.


Redbridge Council offer a bulky waste service to all residents. The best way to book a collection is online, but you can also book by calling Redbridge Council customer services. You are entitled to receive one free collection every 12 months (maximum of 3 items). Additional items will be chargeable. Please visit the Redbridge Council website for the most up to date information on their bulky wate collection process. If your property does not fall under Redbridge Council, please check with your local authority for their bulky waste collection process as most councils have schemes available at an agreed price. 


Bulky waste includes:

  • beds

  • fridges (but not American style fridge/freezers)

  • furniture

  • TVs and large electrical items


Collection process:

  • On the day of collection, your items must be left in clear view in your front garden or in the communal bin area if you live in a flat. PLEASE A STICK NOTE ON ITEMS THAT ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR THEM TO BE COLLECTED BY THE COUNCIL



The following local charities collect in Redbridge, reusing bulky items to fund good causes:

  • TCL Reuse, Uphall Road, Ilford, phone 020 8553 5880

  • British Heart Foundation makes collections locally

  • If you choose to use an alternative waste removal service, please remember that you are responsible for ensuring that your waste is collected by a licensed waste carrier.





We continue to see an increase in items being fly tipped at the block. Residents leaving items by the bins such as mattresses, fridges, furniture, clothes and toys cost the block money to remove and ultimately owners via their service charge.


If you let your flat, please pass this information on to your tenant and ensure they are aware that they should not be leaving their unwanted items outside the block or by the bins. If/you your tenant have an item that needs removing either arrange for a registered waste clearance contractor to take it from your flat or find out what collections your local authority provide. Where you/your tenant are leaving items to be collected by the council please ensure there is a clear notice on these items that they are to be collected by the council and the date of this collection.


Please note that if we find out that residents of a flat have left any items such as a mattress, fridge, furniture etc in the grounds the flat owner (regardless of whether it was the tenant leaving the items) will be charged a minimum of £75 per item for removal.


Where you are having work done on your flat and the contractors are removing waste from the flat, please ensure they are not dumping these items by the bins or leaving waste anywhere on the grounds. As an owner it is your responsibility to ensure your tenants and contractors adhere to the rules.


Finally, please ask your tenants to be vigilant if they see vans/cars turning up near here and offloading items. We do not want residents to confront anyone they witness fly tipping but if they are able to photo/video them and make a record of any vehicle registration numbers and times/dates of incidents we can try and follow this up.


Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted. The courts have various powers available to them to tackle fly-tipping, including imprisonment, unlimited fines and an order to deprive rights to a vehicle used to commit the offence. Where we find evidence that you/your tenant have fly tipped items at the block, information will be sent to the local authority who will take action against you.


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