Data Issues
Data Control
Data will be under the control of your managing agent. It needs to be used for the purpose of administration in dealing with the block of flats in which you own your flat. This will extend to any third-party company Flatcare engages to provide Out of Hours cover to owners of flats in blocks we manage. It is not moved outside the EEA
Sharing Data
Please be aware that owner’s data is never sold to any other party.
Owners’ data consists of
Your name
Your postal address and flat address where you let
Your phone numbers
Your email address
Your letting agents details where given to us
Your communication to us via your email / letter
Payments made
Owners data may be shared in the following situations;
1. In your own interest: Examples of this would be:
If your flat has been broken into and the police need to contact you
Water is leaking from your flat, your flat is empty, and the person below needs to contact you when our office is closed.
In situations where a freeholder needs to communicate with you about Ground Rent
Where you require a contractor to attend to your property e.g. intercom issue
Where you have engaged services of solicitor to sell the property or seek re-mortgage
2. In cases of suspected terrorist activity
If activity is suspected in a flat the police may be given the owner’s contact information
3. In cases of nonpayment of any service charge or other invoice when the amount owed falls into the statutory amount and/or time requirement data can be passed to solicitors / debt collection agencies for the recovery of monies owed.
4. Data may be passed to block directors for the purposes of their due diligence in carrying out their duties.
Data Retention
Data will be retained whilst you own a flat and for a minimum of twelve months after cessation. After this time, you may request that data be deleted providing there is no dispute.
You have a right to complain to the ICO if you believe there is a problem with the way data is being handled by us.